Well, this is it. Bonnie weather and here I am stuck inside editing. I long for the days when I naively thought that writing was simply a case of putting down the thoughts in my imagination.
Of course, normal procrastinating has started. Firstly, there was the dog to walk. Not a normal everyday meander. Nope, since the weather was worthy of a compliment, I might as well make the most of it. So a longer than usual walk was…necessary.
Blue sky, clear not a cloud in sight. Crisp hard frost and bright warm sunshine. The sort of day that entices you to walk miles. Birds were singing loudly, no doubt relieved that bitter wind has ceased blowing. The sort of day that fills your soul and makes you smile.
Of course, that meant when I arrived home, there was no excuse for not starting the editing. But first I had to answer some e-mails from the Society of Authors in Scotland. They weren’t vital, I have to say but they would have taken my mind away from the real work if I had left them for later. Their contents also made me smile.
By that time it wasn’t worthwhile starting editing immediately. After all, there was food to consider and the needs of others had to be met. So, I thought I might as well go out and sow those seeds I had been planning to for weeks. That little job wouldn’t take long in between sorting out lunch and other priorities. And would you believe it, all these baby plants I had sown before winter were peeking out? They could not wait, they desperately needed repotting, especially when you consider they have survived my neglect, snow, and frost.
Mid-afternoon, I need a cup of mint tea. But I couldn’t put it off any longer. The editing had to be at least started. Up I came tea in hand. It is going to take me weeks at this rate. I have to get it done before my charges arrive back after Easter and I have even less time.
What was the major issue I took out of my Zoom meeting with my editor then that I am consumed so much with the need to place obstacles in my way? Not what I thought. “You need to get yourself on Instagram.” Really, no, please. Something else to fit in. Apart from having to work out how to use it, I would need to find the time. All this avoidance of working on the edit is merely me finding an excuse to avoid registering on Instagram.
It is almost a year since I started my weekly blog and I am so proud of myself that despite everything that has occurred during this year, I have religiously put it up every Monday. So it would seem an appropriate time to consider where I go from here. Enter you, my faithful friends, for reading, commenting, ignoring my mistakes and staying with me. Thank you from the tips of my flying fingers. I have some questions for you.
Would you miss my blog? Would you be happy enough if I only posted once a month? Would you still read it without my weekly contact? Can you teach me how to use Instagram? Ok, the last one you can ignore, I can find someone in the right age range that will help me.
One last thing. I hope you are all aware that I have managed to complete my tree-free posting February. I greet March knowing I can once more indulge myself with comments and pictures of trees in one form or another. Would I manage that without posting once a week? Now I didn’t think of that!